Here's A Simple System, Easy To Follow, Designed For Beginners
And The Genetically Average, To Start Burning Off Body Fat And
Adding Lean Muscle, Fast!
information in the magazines is bad enough. But it doesn’t stop
there. Almost every bodybuilding or fitness book, course or
program I’ve ever seen is too complicated for a beginner master
in a reasonable period of time.
Not only that, they're almost never in a format you can easily
follow... such as a list of answers to frequently asked
questions... or a step by step guide in NON scientific terms
that any beginner can understand and learn quickly.
Do you want long boring lectures about biochemistry and
muscle physiology or would you prefer to have your questions
answered in plain English and your diet and workouts handed to
you on a platter?
It’s a respectable thing if you’re
sophisticated enough to want to know the science behind it all,
but my exhaustive surveys have proven that most people just want
a diet plan with a shopping list, a simple, step by step workout
program, answers to all their questions, and then they’re off to
the gym to make gains.
That's what The Beginners Guide
to Fitness And Bodybuilding gives you!