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Muscle Building Recipe

Waldorf Tuna Fish Salad


  • 1 small tine of tune in brine or water
  • 0.5 tin of sweet corn or chickpeas
  • 1 carton of coleslaw
  • 1 carton of cottage cheese
  • 1 carton of Waldorf or fruit and nut salad
  • Some olive oil
  • Some salad cream
  • Some tomato ketchup
  • Ground black pepper
  • Oregano


  1. Drain the chick peas/sweet corn and the tuna from the tin.
  2. Flake the tuna in a bowl
  3. Add some olive oil about 1 tsp.
  4. Add the tomato ketchup and salad cream if desired
  5. Mix ingredients
  6. Add the chick peas or sweet corn
  7. Add pepper or oregano to taste
  8. Add a good dollop of Waldorf salad and cottage cheese
  9. Add a really good dollop of coleslaw
  10. Mix all together

Eat with bread or what you desire. It is ideal for taking to work in a plastic container and eating when desired. It is a very good source of high biological value protein with some carbs, simple sugars, good oils, vitamins A, D and C. It is very easily digested and you will get hungry three hours after. Low calorie alternatives can be found of most of the ingredients. For a vegetarian alternative remove the tuna and used small cubes of tofu. You can try adding olives if you like and experiment!

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