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The Muscleheads Guide To A Godlike Physique Review
You want a step by step program that you can just print out and follow. So here it is.
The regime that will take you from skinny newbie, to a gym veteran with the body to prove it. The initial program will last you just shy of 6 months, after which time you will be a true expert in your own right.
If you've ever been worried about exactly what you need to be doing inside the gym, you'll love this. It's formatted so you simply have to open it up, print it out and then you're ready for the gym.
Every single workout is planned. No guess work required. You're going to be able to walk into the gym like a man on a mission, focused on exactly what you need to do that day.
"As an actor and model I know the importance of having a great physique. Without a doubt having a muscular build and looking fit is the single best thing you can do to improve your life.
One day I realized that I wish I used the four years I spent going to college, learning about fitness and working out instead. After transforming from a 160lb. hard gainer to a 180lb. lean muscle machine everything changed.
I got a promotion at my job, got the girl I always wanted (and others) without even trying, had more confidence and fun in life, and started being treated better by people in general. Do yourself a favor and follow The Musclehead program.
If you don't know what your doing you can waste a lot of time, leading to frustration, a lack of results, and worse a loss of the committment to be in excellent shape. The Musclehead books make it easy for you. Print the books, read them and follow the program.
Without a doubt YOU WILL be able to follow proper form (super important for rookies), maintain a proper diet, and know what excercises to do for the ultimate physique. I cannot recommend this program enough.
Just try it for two months and if you follow the program you will absolutely agree that you made the best improvement to your lifestyle. Stop wasting time and just do it. If you don't think you're a gym guy just think about that girl you always wanted, and the fit guy that you know she wants instead of you.
Most Americans are out of shape, so being fit will make you stand out even more. There really is nothing to lose."
Tony "Wetcat" Tavarez, Actor and Fitness Model
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